I've been using Groupon for a while now, and if you are not already taking advantuge of these ridiculously low Daily Deals to save in your Local area, you definately want to check it out!
I've gotten some awesome deals at local restaurants, salons, fitness classes & gyms, museum tickets, etc. as well as stores and other businesses local to me. HUGE SAVINGS!
Another awesome thing about Groupon is that you can use almost all of the coupons the day after purchase (obviously, if a business had 2,000+ people come in the day they listed the groupon, they may not be able to provide the service needed to make your stay enjoyable).
Signing up for Groupon is 100% FREE. There is no catch. I have yet to see a “bad deal” posted.
Very simple, Here's how it works: (you're gonna wonder why you never knew about or used this before!)
SIGNUP WITH GROUPON by entering your email address and setting your Local Zip Code.
They will send you (1) One Email per day which will let you know what the Daily Deal in your area is for that day. This is not your average "sale" price - it's 1 HUGELY Discounted price and only available at that price for that 24 hrs!
You are most definately going to wonder why you never utilized these savings before!

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