OK, so I am naturally a numbers nut, so I've been preparing my own taxes for years-even back in the day when I did it on paper and mailed it in ! WOW...that seems so outdated!! Do people still do that? I think they do because the post office still puts out all the books and forms! I feel for them :(
I've always had some type of business, whether work at home or "real world", so our taxes have never been an easy thing! Itemizing and making sure you get all the deductions you deserve, can be frustrating, to put it lightly. I spent a few years researching all the tips to maximizing deductions and especially home office deductions,etc. I'm grateful for that inside knowledge and understanding now, but guess what? If you don't know a single thing about itemizing, deductions, and everything in between, you can use TAX ACT and it takes care of all of those things for you! No worries, it's guaranteed to get your maximum refund! It will find deductions you didn't even know you could claim :)
As usual, I don't recommend something that I have not tried or used myself. I have used TAX ACT for 2 years in a row. I've also used the other brands of tax softward that are out and in my opinion, they are all the same!
I remember the days of paying someone hundreds of dollars to get a "Rapid Refund" ...wow...I was throwing money away! I filed this year and got my refund in 8 days, direct deposit! Why pay someone else to do what you can do for yourself?

Happy SITS Saturday! New follower here! Love the blog!