I am a complete nut when springtime rolls around and it's time to start planting flowers and making my yard reflect who I am! So a while back, I signed up for the Home Depot Garden Club They send lots of very helpful tips for working in your yard as well as indoors with houseplants, etc. I got an awesome PRINTABLE COUPON in my email from them today, so I wanted to share it with you all!
Part of the newsletter email I got today had a link to print BOGO houseplant and trash bag coupons! I was just thinking it was time to spruce up my office with some houseplants, so I can't wait to get to Home Depot! Buy one get one free is a good thing:)
Just passing along for any other green thumbs out there. Enjoy!
Sign up to the Home Depot Garden Club Here.

Hey! I just gave you a beautiful blogger award. You can see it on my page http://www.thefrugalfreeloader.com/2010/02/my-first-award.html