For those who have problems with Internet Printable Coupons, Unfortunately, it is left up to each individual store how to handle them. What you can do is call and have them send you a copy of the coupon policy so you can show it to the cashier next time you are there.
Letter from Ingles Corp:
Dear xxxx,
Thank you for taking time to contact us. Ingles has been doubling coupons far longer than most of other grocery stores. We double each week, and triple occasionally. The Marketing Department announces the triple coupon week about 4 times a year, but never give any notice. We appreciate you being a loyal customer.
Our Coupon (double/triple) Policy is:
Three (3) coupons doubled with each $10 order.
Six (6) with each $20 order
Nine (9) with each $30 order
Twelve (12) with each $40 order
Fifteen (15) with each $50 order...etc.
You must have the Ingles Advantage card to double coupons. Coupons of 50¢ or less will be doubled, except on tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, coffee, free items, or Ingles coupons. Double value cannot exceed the price of the item. Double savings start with each $10 purchase. No more than two (2) identical items are eligible for double coupon savings.
We will NOT ACCEPT "FREE" internet coupons, only cents off
We will only accept 2 internet coupons per manufacturer product per visit per day
We reserve the right to reject any internet coupon that is altered or does not scan properly.
Linda B. Glaze
Human Resource Coordinator