I'm a firm believer that it's not always enough just to think about something or plan it in our own mind. Putting Goals down on paper in writing makes me more accountable and helps to keep me focused. If I fall completely off track, it's also a great reminder!
With that said, I'm sharing My Financial Goals for 2011 and plan to update whenever I cross something off my list! That should help me be even more accountable!
For anyone that has not read my previous personal finance posts, it might be helpful to know that I have finally paid off all unsecured debt ( NO CREDIT CARDS OR LOANS!) and we pay cash for everything. The only remainder of debt I have is our car payment, which I would really like to pay off this year.
"...the borrower is servant to the lender" ~Proverbs 22:7
You can make & acheive financial goals no matter how big or small or where you are at in your finances - whether you are living beyond your means in debt, have lost your jobor what have you. The point is to focus on making your money work FOR you instead of just working FOR your money. The end result of that is a freedom like no other !
It may also be helpful for me to share that my husbands company closed in January 2010 and he is still out of work. We are living on unemployment income and my online income...if that's not encouragement for you, I don't know what is!
#1 - Pay cash for a new set of mattresses - The King size mattress on our bed was purchased in 1993-back when I was a credit card queen and "charged" nearly $2800 for the luxe pillowtop set. It is beyond replacement time and I would like to downgrade to a Queen size to make more room and lower the cost of sheets & bedding.
**Paid CASH for my Suburban in MARCH
#4 - Double my online income overall - I have so many resources for income online (see my extra money makers & WAHM posts) and would like to double it this year. To do this I have started making a weekly schedule with more detailed areas of focus for each day. In order to double my income for the year, I have broken it down into a daily amount that I need to focus on, to make it easier to achieve.
#5 - Hubby to secure a better job - He had worked for his company for 9 years when they closed in Jan. 2010. Unemployment income (as many of you know) is quite lower and caused us to exhaust savings and be back to a month to month basis with bills. We are praying he finds work soon, but planning for the worst and only counting on our current income level to meet these goals.
Have you made a Financial Goal list or plan for 2011 ? Would love to hear some of your goals!
I also highly recommend reading my BUDGET CREATION Posts and also my 2 favorite resources to help you track your spending and stay focused:
MINT: FREE Money Management Software
DAILY WORTH: FREE Personal Finance Tips & Advice for Women

Many Freebies & Deals expire so quickly, we post them on Facebook - CLICK HERE to see what you've been missing!
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