This is super exciting! Our friend Nathan Engels of WeUseCoupons , one of the best resources for Couponers online, will be appearing on TLC tomorrow, December 29th, at 8pm EST, along with 3 others, to share more about Extreme Couponing.
While couponing has become a way of life for many of us and the thought of paying the amount listed on a price tag is extremely foreign to us, there are still so many people that are completely oblivious to how much money they could be saving!
Nathan, a.k.a. "Mr. Coupon", says "We may be a little 'extreme' but our desire and hope is for families that need to save money will check out couponing".
I believe that with exposure from this show, many more will be introduced to the ways to save money and actually even live a greater lifestyle by doing so. While many families control their spending and cut back by purchasing store brands,etc., Couponing enables me to obtain name brand items that I would otherwise never buy, whether that relates to clothing or groceries. When I say that I NEVER pay the asking price for ANYTHING... I really mean it! Whether it's a movie ticket, a pair of shoes or necessities and groceries, there is always a way to use couponing & deals to get what we need either FREE or at well below the retail price!
As for the Extreme Couponing episode, I hope you'll all watch it tomorrow! I think it's very exciting to have one of our own being featured on TLC ! I understand that they will take a negative spin on the meaning of "extreme" as TV shows usually do, but I still think it will broaden the reach of couponing in general and open eyes of those that could be utilizing coupons to save their families a lot of money.
Nathan gave us the following sneak peak info. as to what is planned for his debut on the show tomorrow:
I built something that was about 15 feet tall!! They filmed it's creation and it was almost entirely donated to local foodbanks! TLC also filmed our the giving aspect of couponing!! During this episode we donated around $6000-$7000 in product to a fantastic pantry!!! (we share this not to brag, but to lead by example, giving is such an amazing aspect of couponing!!!)
I can't wait! Be sure to visit WeUseCoupons and FrugalTV to get more info and as always, be sure to check their forums for the stores you shop at to get each weeks Flyer Sales & Coupon Matchups in detail!
CLICK HERE to visit WeUseCoupons now!
The following links go directly to our favorite pages at WUC !
Coupon Previews on WeUseCoupons
Walgreens Deals at WUC
CVS Deals on WeUseCoupons
Rite Aid Deals on WeUseCoupons
Food Lion Deals on WeUseCoupons
Walmart Deals on WeUseCoupons
Target Deals on WeUseCoupons
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