
HOME DEPOT Coupons+Savings in your Inbox + DIY Tips & More !

Home Depot Pro Newsletter

It's back!! You can Signup now if you missed it last time! When you signup for the Home Depot Savings Newsletter, they will email you AWEOME Printable Coupons at least once a month! Most recently I've gotten BOGO Trees, BOGO Bulbs, BOGO Bags of Mulch, as well as $ off Coupons for other items!

It's also really nice getting the extra DIY tips in email. If you're like me and like to save money by fixing and doing things at home yourself, you'll love their DIY tips !

Just select the savings newsletter that you'd like to receive ( I chose gardening ) and enter your email address! This is a great way to save on necessary home improvement projects where we sometimes overlook the ability to save signifigantly with coupons!

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