What temperature is your Water Heater set to? PLEASE POST !! I'm on a mad hunt for ways to reduce that electricity bill. Last month my bill was $389.43 !!!! We moved into our new home this past November and never checked the water heater until last night. It was set to 150 Degrees! I turned it back to 125...we'll see if that has an effect on my upcoming bill. I'm also doing several other things which I'll be posting and compare to my next bill after the changes! POST YOUR WATER HEATER TEMP SETTING !!
Here are a few of my finds on reducing your power bill that have been helpful to me! Some are very simple and quick but can be significant savings on your monthly bill!
I am curious as to the average water heater setting..Please post the temp you keep your water heat set to !

We don't have an electric water heater, no it's not gas either, ours is heated with our wood stove. Ours runs 190* in the winter and 160* in the summer. We changed all our light blubs for the CFL's and save $50.00 a month. I make sure I bake everything that needs baking at the same time (not together but so I don't turn off the oven and then have to turn it back on). We have a couple night lights for lights at night instead of leaving the bathroom light on. I hang clothes out all spring, summer and fall and even in the winter if it's above 30*. I don't always do this but each load is $2.50 a load (we figured it out to be about that). I don't have the hot water heat set on the dishwasher, I make sure I turn the iron off when not ironing. Sometimes it's just the little things. Our bill is anywhere from $175.00-$225.00 a month. I know about trying to cut corners. Summer time I don't leave the A/C on in the morning unless it's already hot or humid. I do the fresh air and cool air first.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Wendy. It is horrible hard to pay those huge electric bills. Thanks for having so many cool ideas and suggestions. Take care and God Bless!!
WOW !!! Thanks, Julie ! And I thought I paid attention to the little things ! *Bows to Julie* I'm in the process of converting to CFL's (thanks to the recent printable coupons!). I wash in cold water, cold only on dishwasher, hang our heavy clothes - but still use dryer for towels and most whites. I've started unplugging anything that is not in use. I'm in the process of installing new weatherstrips to the doors as well and thankfully we have new, energy efficient windows and other structural upgrades. I have a household of computer and Xbox addicts so those are some power zappers I know. I'm on a mad hunt for more ways to cut our monster power bill down :) Thanks so much for taking the time to share yours!
ReplyDeleteWendy--I am blown away. SOOOOOO glad that I foun dyour blog, it is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!
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